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Unleash Your Firm's Potential with Risk-Based Cybersecurity management

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Innovative solutions to ease cybersecurity compliance and managment

WesTech is revolutionizing the way financial advisors collaborate with their IT and compliance teams on cybersecurity and data privacy management.

WesTech Solutions is leading the charge on reshaping the future of cybersecurity and data security in wealth management by raising the bar on of security, compliance and excellence.


We specialize in providing risk-based cybersecurity solutions to financial advisors and wealth management firms that understand the importance of operating in compliance with industry regulations.

Our unwavering dedication to innovation, relentless pursuit of knowledge, and a commitment to our clients' success, we are driving a paradigm shift in the way the wealth management industry thinks about cybersecurity and managing data risk.


Together with our partners, we are building a safer and more compliant financial world, ensuring that the future is secure, transparent, and prosperous for advisors and their clients.


Image by Kvalifik

We use emerging technologies to create seamless operational ecosystems for wealth managers. Our work bridges the gap between financial advisors, IT and compliance, so they work in perfect harmony.

We’re proving that cybersecurity and regulatory compliance can be actively and easily managed in-house by every financial advisory firm. 


Join us in realizing this vision and pioneering a future where technology and expertise unite to transform the way financial advisors protect their clients and their industry.

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